by V Wynne-Jones | Mar 13, 2018 | Resources for teaching writing, Resources for writing
A project which looks at creative writing as inquiry This project’s resources were originally developed for colleagues within the School of Learning, Development and Professional Practice as part of the Faculty of Education and Social Work, as well as postgraduate...
by Evija Trofimova | Feb 21, 2018 | Uncategorized
* and/or Editing It seems curious that so rarely we stop to reflect on the word processing software and other digital tools of writing we use every day, given how much work they do for us. Or how much work they do for our students – I’m thinking of you,...
by Evija Trofimova | Jan 16, 2018 | Resources for teaching writing
A strategy to encourage and evaluate Engineering students’ understanding of structural design concepts This project was developed by James Lim, Vicente Gonzalez and Raj Das from Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, at the University of Auckland. The resource...
by Evija Trofimova | Dec 14, 2017 | Resources for teaching writing
A resource for improving critical thinking and written communication in Physics through open-ended experiments and abbreviated argumentative reports These resources were originally devised by Kathleen Foote and Anna Yang from the Department of Physics of the Faculty...
by Evija Trofimova | Dec 14, 2017 | Resources for teaching writing
A resource to help students overcome misconceptions and difficulties in mathematics Igor’ Kontorovich from the Department of Mathematics at the University of Auckland’s Faculty of Science developed these resources that might be useful to teachers of...