by V Wynne-Jones | Dec 18, 2017 | Staff and student event, University-wide event
Do you feel like you are struggling with writing? Could your writing do with a quick warranty of fitness check? Ever wanted to learn about mechanisms for improving your writing? Come to one of our two “Engineer your writing” lunchtime workshops*, and get to know your...
by V Wynne-Jones | Dec 18, 2017 | Staff and student event, University-wide event
Weaving is a commonly used, broadly understood, metaphor in academic writing – for example how we weave ideas into curriculum, weaving assessment, weaving people together, teasing woven strands apart or how we weave theory through our writing. This workshop...
by V Wynne-Jones | Dec 18, 2017 | Student only event, University-wide event
Join other students in racing to complete writing activities. Learn about common writing challenges, have afternoon tea and win a prize if you’re quick. Book at: English Language Enrichment (ELE) Level 1, Kate Edger...
by V Wynne-Jones | Dec 18, 2017 | Staff only event
If developing research writing is one of your responsibilities, anxieties or ambitions, come to the launch of a book by world experts on supporting research students’ writing. This book will be relevant to all supervisors. CLeaR invites you for wine and...
by V Wynne-Jones | Dec 18, 2017 | Staff and student event
A workshop for supervisors and doctoral students, delivered by the editors of “Developing Research Writing.” Experts in the field will share some tips from the research behind this book and offer sensible advice for practises that make writing development less...